
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

National Poetry Month--Day 15--Tan Renga Poem--Dog Collaboration

We're supposed to collaborate on this poem. If you're clueless about what a Tan Renga is, go here. You'd think I'd have someone, but my husband is considered necessary, so he still works Outside. All I have is the Extremely Talented and amazingly intelligent and verbose Dogeroo, Sir Riles Barksalot. So here it is:


Fearless hunter dog
Despoiler of trashcan wheels
Guards our little house
Bark bark whiiiiiiine woof sniff growl sniff
GROWL woof bark whiiiiiiine sniff bark BARK!
(Which means: 
Something's living in the shed
Eating it will make it stop.)

©2020 by H. Linn Murphy

If in the course of the day I find someone human to share with, we'll do another...;) So my daughter joined me for this one:

Run little Gecko,
Escape from Riley's sharp teeth, 

He's full of dog food,

little dash, sharp eyes follow,
oops no tail, it will grow back.
And now for something completely and utterly different:

One Blade of Grass
One blade of grass so alone, so small
Insignificant in the scheme of it all
Hardly worth mentioning should it fall
No revelation should it stand tall

But unite it with millions of others
Standing together with sisters and brothers
Being good grass like their fathers and mothers
A verdant sea of soft green feathers.

Together they gladden the eyes and the heart
Filling their measure and doing their part
United, a force, while divided, mere starts
Making the world a little less tart

Perhaps we can learn from the little grass blade 
When we're going through life with our feet and heart clayed
Reach out to your neighbors 'til the dragon is slayed
Apart you're defeated, together, well-played 


©2020 by H. Linn Murphy

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