
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Friday, April 30, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 30--Hyperbole Poem--Sampson and Goliath


So today, on the last day of poetry month, we're doing hyperbole poems. Looking at my posts on facebook it probably looks like I'm dang dog crazy. But I'm just doing a series of CONVOS WITH MY DOG. Well I have a pair of dogs in mind that completely fit this poetry form to a T. So that's what it'll be. If you want to know about hyperbole, go here. Otherwise, here's my last poem for the month: 


Sampson and G'liath were buffalo-sized

When walking, THEY d'cided the way

They'd look straight ahead and into your eyes

Then they'd say what they wanted to say

When camping one time they took us walking

When Daddy stepped out, they followed their bliss

Weaving through camps they Misha were stalking

Along with the great tent and all that was his 



Though the size of a house they were gentle and sweet

And Misha loved them like Heaven

But the cost of their housing and feeding them meat

Meant Mish' worked like his family was seven 


Eventually their great hearts gave out

No more would they roughhouse and play

No more running crazy on a leash like a lout

I miss those dog moose almost every day.

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

Thursday, April 29, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 29--Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day--Free Verse--Joseph


Today is Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day. I haven't figured out which one I want to use yet, which is okay, because my jammies have no pocket. But when I get dressed and figure it all out, it'll be there. Today I was reading the index in my scriptures. Normally I'd pass right by it in favor of more meaty scriptures. But today it just wouldn't move past the index on my kindle. So I finally bowed to that. God must want me to read that today. So this poem is about one thing that really struck me:


Who cannot abide a kingdom's laws

Abides not its power because of his flaws

It's all in our choices of word, act, or will

Whether we handle the Lord's bitter pill

If character flaws define every action

The Celestial Kingdom will hold no attraction

We'll comfortably stay where the laws we can live

Are catered to all that our faint hearts can give

But oh we shall wail when we realize our loss

When the glory we can't handle away we do toss

When the doing is done and the test scores are tallied

If we rest on our laurels we'll wish we had rallied

That will be Hell in its agony searing

To know if we'd tried to believe what we're hearing

We could have inherited a place with the Son

Instead of the darkness of walked-but-not-run.

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

I also was reading about Joseph Smith's account of what happened to him. This time different visions of him caught at my soul. This comes from that experience:



Little Joseph, name of such heritage, 

Poor farm boy

How could you have known as you hoed potatoes

And pulled sticks and stumps

Ranging the fields in the morning sun

Dew gems on the spiderwebs

Your life would utterly change

With one journey to a verdant grove?

Just a boy with questions in his eyes

And a hunger in his heart

Reared in a hurricane of blindness and seeking

With lo here, and lo there  

They whirled you about

Seeking another sheep to swell their folds

And their pockets,

Done with the questions

Stowed behind walls of clay.

Your natural insouciance tempered

By the ache of drawing as if on a rack

Pulled this way and that on a whim

A hollow in the trees beckoned

Mist rising from the cornfields

You made a small pilgrimage,

Questions luring you

From which that boy never returned. 

 Coruscating light, blinding, brilliant

Filled the cavern of your darkness

Banishing the rags and tags and daggers

Of blinding ignorance

Tearing from your eyes the scales of 

Man's littleness of thought

The scales of the serpent

Coiling around victims also searching


Trying to squeeze the 

Inheritance from you.



Away! Away!

The light arks out,

Beams sweeping dark to the edges of existence

For Who comes now in your extremity, but 

He who built it All

And His Father, 

King of Everything.

Architect of Eternity

Master of All Souls

Giver of all life and thought

Come in Brilliant Majesty

To start something Magnificent.

Their tool?

A humble farm boy

Just learning long division

Tutored by the Bible and the Spirit

Open with questions.

Choose none of them.

They have been infected by

The tightness of man 

Constricting in their blind greed

Filling their own 

And the Prince of Darkness'


Spreading tarry filth

To infect and pull down


How could you know

The streaming light would come with such

Steep prices?

Every gift of elegant new knowledge

Drops of pure sunlight

And magnificent gleaming love

Met with daggers and threats

Pine tar and feathers

Death and destruction

The darkened faces 

Of those whose minds 

Could not open enough 

To hold the Light

Every step wrung from 

An adversary who knew

Even in death most foul

You would prevail

As you prevailed over all you had been.

A snowball, rolling downhill

What you and 

The Lord and times which formed you wrought.

Set loose, your vision burgeoned

Picked up speed in spite of 

Dark faces and stunted hearts

Those hands which thought

That tearing you to pieces 

Would stop the momentum

Which frightened them.

That conflagration which consumed you

Set your spirit free

And tossed a torch into the kindling

Which would engulf the world

Did you see it, Little Joseph?

 The fire you lit,

The brilliant majesty you kindled

At the hands of Jesus Christ

And His Matchless, God the Father

Your gift, your legacy, burns in me.

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 28--Cinquain Poems--Dad--Free Verse


Today it's Cinquain poems. And today I'm watching my father while my mom does some service for dead relatives. If you want to know how to write a cinquain, go here. Otherwise, here's my poem:


Faded Bastion,

Missing, Crumbling, Fearing

Mind like water through his fingers


©2021 by H. Linn Murphy  

 And another less cinquain-y:

"Do you want to go to the park?"

I ask, knowing 

He doesn't know.

He peers out of his vacant eyes at

A place he's never been before,

Though only two minutes 

Since he left it,

Fearing he's lost his way.

Until I mention Christ.

Then he remembers 

That's where he's headed

Long trip or short. 

"I want to go home,"

He says over and over.

I mistook his dream destination

For an old snowy residence

Forsaken for the warmth 

And help of his children.

But he knew.

Christ isn't in the mountains right now.

His parents and siblings 

Dressed in snowy white beckon.

How he misses them, 

Though the memory of their names

Eludes him.

He doesn't understand

Why those still living are keeping him

Prisoner here 

Where he has overstayed

His welcome, he thinks. 

His hands and mind soft as tissue paper.

"Swallow your water, Dad.

And let's go to the park."

He dozes in the sun


©2021 by H. Linn Murphy  


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 27--Terse Verse


Okay I just have to say terse verse is my very least favorite form of poetry. I just can't sink my teeth into it at all. But if you really want to learn about this form, go here. I'm not even going to copyright them. There's really nothing to use. Bah. And on to my terse verses: 

What's a randy dish?

Base Vase

A wedding register is a?

Dish Wish

Someone who hates cats?

Puss Wuss


A guy who gives his girl a jar of soil for her birthday?

Dirt Flirt


Top models have a?

Fashion Passion


Dead Head

Shocker Rocker


The band mates?

Scream Team

Monday, April 26, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 26--Pensee Poem--Wing Nuts


So today it's a Pensee poem. I know. I was clueless too. So go here to figure it out. And here's my poem:

Wing nuts

Holding together

But allowing quick changes 

For those unfortunate mistakes

That plague us all daily

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy



covering rears

Corralling disgusting things

Until they can be changed for good

Much like our politics

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy


Sunday, April 25, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 25--Tanka Poem--Doggy--Haiku--Doggy


Here's my other Sunday (Haiku) poem: 

I stare up at you

With my hugest puppy eyes

I want human food.

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy




If you want to know how to do today's poem, a Tanka (a haiku on steroids), go here. And here's my Tanka Poem:


I stare up at you 

With my hugest puppy eyes

You don't understand

How hungry a puppy gets

When chasing lots of tossed balls

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy


Saturday, April 24, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 24--Tautogram Poem--Believing Billy Binky


Today's weird form of poetry is called a Tautogram Poem. You can find the explanation here. Here's my extremely silly poem:

Benny Bunny bid bald best buddy Bill Binky (birdie) bye-bye because Billy Binky brought buttered blue-green bristly bunion bread before Benny's boy, Bobo.

Benny balked, bridling brittlely because Bobo became bilious blue. Bobo bled briefly. Believable because Bobo bit blistered bristle bread briefly before being bilious.

Billy Binky beat Benny Bunny by brilliantly buying brindled broccoli, brought because Benny believed blistered bristle bread brought bile. Billy bettered Bobo brilliantly.

Billy Binky bent brown buckles beneath Bobo's buttery bread, belaying broadness. Bobo belched, blubbered, barfed. Barely bilious. Beautiful! Bravo, Billy Binky! Breathtaking Bravery!



©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

Friday, April 23, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 23--Free Verse--Mater


Today it's free verse, so you don't need a helpful hint to build your own poem. Just take it from the confines of your soul. This is mine today:


I'll never forget the picture

Of you in that hanky bikini

Dad once made for you

When your knowing was young.

It speaks of your  

Mischievous streak--

That streak so evident

When you slept

On the park bench 

In far Zimbabwe--

The streak you showed

As you followed us to pub after Irish pub

To let the music take you--

That streak that 

Keeps you afloat

When life would 

Grind you into the mud.


The tree growing from the tiny rock ledge

Roots finding tiny caches

Of sustenance.


You are my belay

You are my sunshine life ring


Always ready for owning new places,

More of God's little ones

Lost and needing.

Your search finds you.

You seek, restless,

Spirit too large for tiny confining spaces


Though willingly rooted

Growing where you're planted,

Reaching for the stretching light

Your going before

Heartens and strengthens

I too can weather the storms

Because of your roots

 What you have seen,

And what lives you 'own'

What hearts you cultivate

In your mind

Build a rich tapestry

 You are caring

In all life's rich crazy quilt patchwork

Not simply picking

The perfectly squared

The corners-meet-exactly people

You stitch God's children into an eternal family
Stitches built of love
And deep longing to embrace and 
Bring together.

You are Dad's quicksilver girl
The keeper of an un-keep-able heart,
The one who won't cut the rope
To save yourself.
Where once his hand lead you
Yours now lifts, 
Though the lifting 
Sometimes sears 

How can I not learn
What you teach with every breath?
Your strength at once rock hard
And creamy soft

Years of tender service

Thousands of meals

Homemade dresses

Band-aides and canned applesauce

Making, creating, beautifying, building

A life lost in others'

Always we ask for more

Take sustenance from us, now.

Feel our love wrapping around you

Lifting as you've always

Lifted us.

Fuel for the long sprint.

You ARE home.

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy


Thursday, April 22, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 22--Who Am I poem--Who I Amn't

I hit something bad and had to completely redo this whole thing...sigh. Anyway, we're doing Who am I poems. This is done with a poem generator, which is here. Here's my poem:
Hepsibah Lorna 
Incurious, odd-smelling, clueless, curmudgeonly 
Sister of Januice, Luppy Agatha, Jehosaphat Arthurmus, Joculina, and Cruikshanks Theodosious 
Lover of licking horse nostrils, Brussels Sprout ice cream, and bull-dogging porcupines. 
Who feels that everyone should do whatever she says, because why not? She knows better, no matter who you are. Who feels that cats are for patting on the head really hard, because secretly that's what they want. Who feel close to other people who eat skunk cabbage, because it's delicious and definitely food for the mind. 
Who needs MANY more Tupperware lids to go with her collection of broken containers. Who needs buyers for her Kleenex sculptures. Who needs another ten children to mold into fine, upstanding, politically correct environmentalists. Who needs a new electric car to reduce her carbon footprint, because heavens, that footprint must be shaking the pillars of the earth. 
Who gives a dang about Kardassians, celebrities in general, and Britney Spears in particular. Who gives money to the President for all his most honorable activities. Who also gives good money to save Russian Babushkas from starving to death in their hovels in Russia, because they're all so helpless and appreciative. 
Who fears that food isn't full enough of genetic alterations. Who fears that ants don't have what they need to take over the world. Who worries that her rear isn't big enough to make it to the Guinness Book of World Records. 
Who would like to see fish making it to land on their own so as to have their day in court. Who would love it if everyone walked everywhere they went. Who wants half the occupants of Earth to take off for Mars (especially the smart half).
 Resident of Paduka, 987, Cornhollio Way. 
©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 21--767 Poem--Palo Verde Juggernaut


This sucker's almost the size of a motor boat in real life.

 So today it's a 767 poem. I didn't know either, so I'm going here to figure it out. And here's the poem:



 Palo verde bugs are huge

Semi truck of beetles

Jaws so strong you can eat roots

Found you in my swimming pool

You plow through the water

A Russian sub on a quest

I'd touch your claws, only

You'd bite off my finger

Best to use duct tape instead 

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 20--Nonet Poems--Dad--Free Verse--Gone Man


Here's my free verse poem about my dad. I find it sad that he too wrote poetry, but none about his wife or family. I figure sometime soon I'm going to write poetry about Mom and slip it into the book of poetry he wanted me to transcribe for him. Anyway, here's my poem about him:



She saw you, she thought.

The bright, quicksilver girl

With moonlight in her eyes.

You were her prince, her knight

You rocked her in your arms

And she saw possibilities in your eyes.

You shared corners of you

No one else had ever seen.

But not all.

Some, you kept back

For those 

Silent green spaces you shared with no one.

She was your pole star

The maker of your tribe,

The designer of your life,

But you began to belittle her efforts

To paint over the gold with brown.

You shared a gypsy existence.

Babies multiplied

Dollars did not.

But the you's of you were happy

Until you were not.

We came.

A quiz

A conundrum.

A trouble in diapers.

All too soon you were 

Dragging us across the planet

By the tiny arms.

Run! Faster! You're too slow.

Stop whining.

I'll give you something to cry about.

Until we ground you into place with inertia.

We, our needs, became your anchors.

Chaining you down

To a day long and dreary

None of our antics seemed to 

Waken your smile.

A dearth of  joy.

Only the mistakes. 

Punctuated with watermelon seeds

And a rare day on the slopes.

Once, when I danced on your shoes,


While other little princesses

Chattered away.

I was never enough.

Good enough.

Smart enough.

Charming enough.

You were always there,

The stony monolith,

Seemingly impervious to

Wind or water

The battleship

Plowing through the waves

On a course you set.

No plea went unchallenged,

No hope unexamined in

Fine detail beneath the microscope

Of fatherly castigation.

Hour on hour,

One foot and then the other,

You flailed from us all

Broken compasses, all lazy chairs,

Any witless falsehoods,

Any unworthy dreams or

Uncomfortable questions.

Determination built you.

Your children would not

Deviate from the pattern

You set out with

Knife-sharp edges.

Somewhere along the way

You lost all of that.

The ship sailed without you,

Left you ashore and wondering

How it came to be

That your kingdom had shrunk

To the size of one woman.

You raged at the too tight lack. 

You wanted to punch out 

The other side. 

The search eluded you.

Day in and day gone, 

You ached for a place to stretch 

Wings and walls and ideas

But they only held you inside.

One by one we escaped through a hole in your curtain wall. 

You couldn’t fill the breach, 

Couldn't go out the same way.

Couldn't see the good inside.

Couldn't find the good outside.


You searched and searched,

But nothing came.

You hoped you would be strong enough

To keep the enemy


But he entered anyway.

Entered and stole,

And took and carved away your ‘self.’

Walls of you fell and rolled and drifted,

Down into rushing rivers of

Manic activity, frantic,

But no more fulfilling.

Still the enemy chipped away.

Chipped until you began to let go,

Fingers aching from clutching

At what you had and 

What you were afraid you couldn't keep.

You watched her watching you,

Knowing she knew your lacks,

Knowing you had become 


To the quicksilver girl.

You hated those lacks.

You hated the sorrow in her eyes.

You hated knowing

She knew how you failed 

Yourself and her.

Your edges grew hard and sharp.

Hers sharpened in tandem

To find

That you'd hidden 

All the you's you'd once 

Shared with her

Along with the ones you never had.

She wept.

You raged.

You looked for other treasure boxes

To hold the bits 

You no longer shared. 

But none came.

How strange to see you wither

As I slowly waltz in the flaccid circle 

Of your once-strong arms and watch.

The wind suddenly carving into

Your bastions and buttresses

And you,

Lost behind your eyes somewhere

Unable to call for help

Unable to find the words

To define your rage, to open the

Bars of your mind.

And your quicksilver girl,

So road-weary,


Trudges along, 

Pulling your leading strings.

You yank at those tethers,

Trying to prove you don't 

Need them.

But you do.

You see us out here,

Getting away with things

You never sanctioned

And powerless to stop them,

Your rage builds.

If only you could recall

Where you put the keys to your mind.

If only your mind remembered the dance

Your feet still keep beat to.

If only you could go home,

Back to the simple place

Where deer came to drink and

You ran through green silences.

But you can’t go.

Not anymore.

Too many people hold the strings. 

Hole you hostage in this dank, hot Hades.


You clutch at the gone-ness

But can't quite reach.

No one will help you.

No one sees the hollowed-out inside of you.

You see with blank eyes.



A shuffling waltz.

A fond see-you-later.

That faint, lost little smile

Barely there.


Time for bed--for the

Recklessness of sleep 

For the practice death

The facing of dreams lost and forgotten

Your eyes shutter.

Your unknowable heart shutters.

Your lips shutter.

Your mind shutters.

And you have become

A gone man.

Sand sifting away

Into the wind,

All that’s left

Of the monolith.


You’ll be found.

But which you?

Your quicksilver girl wonders.

And I wonder.

Who will you be when the shackles fall away?

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

 Nonets are the poem for the day. If you want to know how to write one, go here. And now for my double Nonet poem:

So many buried nuggets extant

Bits of grit rubbing places raw

I tried once to remedy

The lack, but already

His mind had retrenched

Into haziness

Too dang late

I wept




From the grit

A gorgeous stone

Will grow and fill up

Our lives with nacred gems

Of thought and feeling and rich

Treasures that should have grown in life

Without the grit to mar and annoy

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy