
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Monday, April 12, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day zwolf--Brevette Poems--plus a Limerick--Ode to a Mockingbird


Here are my Brevette poems. If you want to know what those are, go here. Here are my poems:


s i n g



l i g h t s



f l a u n t


I'm preparing this limerick in advance. I wrote it for Sunday but it just doesn't seem appropriate for that day for some reason: 

There once was a mockingbird young

At midnight this bird would give tongue

It's song was quite great

But it just sang so late

That I wanted that dadgum bird hung

©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

Actually I love mockingbirds and listening to them at night makes me happy. But this poem just slipped out. What can I say? I just have a warped sense of humor. I'd be much more inclined to want to hurl things a dove, because for many reasons they're completely stupid birds. Mockingbirds are smart. I've even heard one sound like a car alarm.

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