
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day 24--Tautogram Poem--Believing Billy Binky


Today's weird form of poetry is called a Tautogram Poem. You can find the explanation here. Here's my extremely silly poem:

Benny Bunny bid bald best buddy Bill Binky (birdie) bye-bye because Billy Binky brought buttered blue-green bristly bunion bread before Benny's boy, Bobo.

Benny balked, bridling brittlely because Bobo became bilious blue. Bobo bled briefly. Believable because Bobo bit blistered bristle bread briefly before being bilious.

Billy Binky beat Benny Bunny by brilliantly buying brindled broccoli, brought because Benny believed blistered bristle bread brought bile. Billy bettered Bobo brilliantly.

Billy Binky bent brown buckles beneath Bobo's buttery bread, belaying broadness. Bobo belched, blubbered, barfed. Barely bilious. Beautiful! Bravo, Billy Binky! Breathtaking Bravery!



©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

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