
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

National Poetry Month--Day Funfzehn--Shadorma Poem--Vinyl Magic--Free Verse Poem--Working Through


Before I get to the Shadorma poem, here's the Free verse rant that wouldn't leave me alone this morning:


 I have a prince

In shiny tin foil armor

Of whom I expect 

So much.

He works every day

At his quantifiable job




Solving problems

Which allow people

To be comfortable

And to make sense of

Their days.

"Have fun slaying dragons!"

I say as he goes out the door.

Then I go

Back to bed.

When I re-awaken

I do things.




My flights of fancy

Are less tangible

Until finally the books

Lie in boxes

On the living room floor. 

Until I sell them,

My work effects

No one.



Perhaps mildly pleasing

If I'm lucky.

Maybe that's why

My knight cannot


When, at last, 

The evidence of my work

Presents itself.

He cannot grasp

What pains, what striving

Brought forth

My work

Into the light of day.

To him, it's fluff

Blowing in the wind--

A mere breeze

Here now, 

But soon gone,

Merely something

Which keeps his wife

A kept woman.

To him, it's all bonbons

And daytime dramas,

Pap for the masses 

Which keeps his 

Dinner from coming 

To fruition 

Unless it's burnt or late.


In reverse,

He comes home

Dragon blood everywhere,

Tired from castle-storming

To find little done.

The difference rankles

"What has she done all day?"

He asks himself

As he washes off the 

Dust of a thousand 

Passages and crawl spaces. 

"She wants to be


For the little she managed

To accomplish in eight hours?"

And with a sigh

He folds himself

Into his desk chair

To find relaxation

And await the

Burnt offering.

Not knowing 

How much I need him

To look me in the eye

And acknowledge

That I am 

Just as dusty

In other ways.

 ©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

So today it's a Shadorma poem. "A what, now?" you ask with your head tilted to the side. Let Stephanie tell you here.  Otherwise it's on to the offering:

Round black disc

One long spiral groove

Hides magic

In music

Needs only a small needle 

To call back childhood

 ©2021 by H. Linn Murphy

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