
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 8--National Poetry Month-ABCB Poem--Words Like Rain--Octopoem--Sweat Dripping Blues

I wrote this poetry form before today. This ABCB Poem was knocking to get out. So here it is:

Words like rain on thirsty soil
Cause tiny seeds to wake and grow
Coaxing, coaxing towards the light
The Spirit burgeons through the row

Until at last a fuzzy head
Rises from the nurturing ground
Furls its leaves and petals bright
Inside a budding strength abounds.

Words can lift and heal and grow
Or cut like hailstones to the quick
Will you raise another up?
Or cut them down. Your turn to pick.

Will your words inspire or thrash?
You hold the power of truth and right.
Will you be the Savior's hands?
Or Another's tool tonight?

That person who so often falls
Needs love that should reflect your goal
Hopeless, she, and sadly flawed
Rain, like words, can feed the soul.

©2019 by H. Linn Murphy

The actual poetry form for today is an Octopoem. If you want to know how to do one, go here. I give you my octopoem:

It's brown in my world, like most of the year
Although it's deep Winter, it's sunny I fear
For the desert is thirsty and prickly and dry
And rain-less and roasting. I swear that we fry.
I put on my flip flops to go for the mail
And sit in my chair like I'm taking a sail
Like the Batchelor I'm choosing a place I can hide
From this hot tater, oven-ly place I abide.

©2019 by H. Linn Murphy

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