
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Day 16--National Poetry Month--Free Verse--Jack Sprat Tango--Windspark Poem--Titanic

I'll give you this free verse offering until I can get to the computer to do one of Stephanie's choosing...:o) It's another one that I woke up with, laughing, actually. Strap in. It gets torchy. (This was called Pumpkin-eater Tango, but I realized the other day that it was Jack Sprat who was so lean and his wife was chubby. Thus the title change.)
Sorry, this is as close as I could get to the subject.
A lone figure strides onto the stage
His stance proud and straight
He extends his arm 
To invite her to him
He catches her intent gaze
With one of his own. 
Heat sizzles, arcing between them
At a jerk of his head, 
She approaches,
Gliding sinuously across the floor
She stops.
He advances
Stalking slowly around her,
He clicks to a stop,
Broom-like limbs at attention.
She slinks toward him
Jiggling only slightly
Pillows gowned in crimson,
Her hair a mass of black-ish curls
She flows to a halt.
Smolders to match his.
He clasps her with a grip of chihuahua
She envelops him like a corn dog on a stick.
Their eyes trap each others' gazes
A fluid step
Then another
They stalk the room in perfect sync
"You are my heart, my soul, my life," he whispers.
His deep bass voice sultry.
"I worship the goddess you are."
He turns them, and they step across the floor.
"And you, my sweetest of all husbands
Are concave in all the right places.
You fill my heart with longing."
He whips them around
She glides almost gracefully
Halfway to the floor.
"My knee," she says, breath chugging.
"Sorry," he says.
He catches her, pulling her back to her feet
With only a slight groan.
His crimson face matches her gown.
For a few beats they circle,
Heat filling their eyes and faces.
He turns them again
Catching her with a sharp elbow.
"Oof," she says, daintily.
"Sorry," he whispers, 
Running his tongue across his teeth.
"Come to me, my sweet," he whispers.
He tugs her to him
A fleeting look of terror flicks through his eyes,
Replaced by a suave grin as
She again engulfs him in satin.
"Bella mia," he says,
Kissing her senseless.
As the music stops,
He dips her.
Is it her scarlet gown
Or his rotator cuff?
A smirk and a wink.

©2019 by H. Linn Murphy

And now for my Windspark poem. If you, like me, have no idea what this is and want to find out, go here. Otherwise, proceed at your own risk...:o)

I dreamed
I was a rivet
On the Titanic
Waiting to prove the experts wrong

©2019 by H. Linn Murphy

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