
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

National Poetry Month--Day 27-Alliteration Poem--The Chocolate Castle Caper


We're doing Alliteration Poems today. To learn how, go here. Et voila:

The Chocolate Castle Caper

The key keeps me coming. 

I currently call to the crusty kid

Crunching through the canes

Crows cawing caustically 

Can I creep cautiously?

I can catch a calliope calling me from

The cabin of a caravel near a caen stone castle.

A choir cants a cajoling canticle

Keeping me coming complete with key

Cadets call a cadenza in a cheery cadence.

I creep to the curtainwall 

And climb up cautiously 

Calculating the costs of collaboration.

Careful of cads, cacti, cuddly copycat cowboys,

And creepy caimans

(Kindly kill those cruddy crocodilians.

'Cause they're in cahoots

With the cabaret cabal.)

I crawl. Then clamber over.

The crusty key cantilevers,

Completing its counterclockwise

Circuit, connecting completely cattywampus.

The cabinet creaks creepily

I count to a cabillion, crashing like a cadaver

Then crawl like a caboose into the castle.

CRUD! It's a room full of cuckoo clock

Crunching cadgy cadette caddies

In cable-stitched cardigans 

Chewing chicken and chocolate!

I have no cache with this choir of

Cuckoo cutting cats and their

Cacophony of chortles.

I can't keep up with their concatenations

And cataclysmic clamor.

I crazily caper out of the castle

And into the caravel while avoiding 

Caffeine and catapults full of cats and cows.

Carumba they cut! Quit!

I'm careening and capering.

©2022 by H. Linn Murphy


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