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A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hold Onto Your Soul--INTRINSICAL Review

Lani Woodland has woven a ghost story so fantastic I'd label it one of the best I've ever read. Yeah. That good. It's called INTRINSICAL and I just spent the whole day immersed in it, although I have loads of chores to do and a graduation to go to. Just like Yara Silva (cool name by the way) this book kept me locked in place.

This story is full of everything you want in a YA ghost story (besides the obvious ghosts) and absent of everything you don't want except a bit of violence--and I can't imagine a ghost story without at least one death. I am so glad to say there was no sex or bad language. Just delicious terror and an outstanding plot. The characters were believable and likable (except for nasty James).

Yara is special. She can talk to ghosts. From the first day she shows up at school, crazy, jacked up things start happening--deadly things. Whoever is up to those tricks is absolutely seriously intent on taking souls. Yara is only one step ahead of that terrible someone.

Until she isn't.

Please, if you like to chew your nails to the quick over a good book, get this one and hunker down with a strong flashlight, because you're going to need it. And now I'm going to go hunt down the sequel, INDELIBLE. You can get INTRINSICAL here. Enjoy the shiver!

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