
Page the Second


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. (In front of you, a precipice. Behind you, wolves.)

Friday, January 29, 2016

My Ireland Contest

When I go places, I like to do things that not every tourist does, because I'm kind of a rebel. I know there are loads of people who wish they could go there, so I'd like to bring you along on my trip vicariously.

The Contest:

For a dollar payable to my Paypal account, I'll put you on the SPECIAL list which gets you pictures and movies as regularly as I can send them (I'm sure there are some places which can't handle pictures or movies sent over the Internet). At the very least they'll come when I get home. 

The Lure:

These aren't just any old pictures or movies. Send me suggestions of wacky, out-of-the-normal things to do while I'm there in a comment on this blog. The best suggestion gets a free book by yours truly. I'm also up for doing some research. I'm doing book research for one thing. I'd also like to find the parents of an ancestor of mine. Message me here and we can talk.

The Rules:

It can't be anything illegal, extremely dangerous (like eating jellyfish), or sexual (because I love my husband). And I don't drink liquor. At all. I'm pretty wacky without it.

Go to it, my imaginative friends...:o) 

Now I have to go figure out how to do the Paypal thing (Already have an account--just don't know how to hook it here for other people to use.) and about a bazillion other things.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Taking the Short View

It's been a day. And a month. And a year. I was trying to get all kinds of things done: fixing the colored lanterns I made in October (it's my goal to fix or mend something almost every day so I can whittle down the huge box of penny ante things waiting impatiently for my attention), mending, cleaning, writing poetry, cleaning,  dealing with all the post-its and junk on my desk begging for a place in the spotlight, general things that hang out on my to-do list and never get done.

So it came time to take J to work and the dang car wouldn't start. Hubs was working somewhere where the phone doesn't get coverage. So now I can't get his help in putting the charger on the car. For some reason it's not good to just hook the old battery feed bag on and stand back. Things tend to explode all over and get battery acid everywhere if you do it wrong, apparently. So I guess I'm stuck until the Hubs can get to somewhere with coverage--probably the end of the day, dang it. So annoying. There are things to do. Bank, Scout office, picking up the boy, shopping. Now it all won't get done until I buy another battery. Or something. Big sigh.

I've spent much of my time lately working on MUDLARKS and journaling. I've needed to get that going again for years. I took my sister's challenge to write something every day. So being all verbose and everything, it means I haven't been writing here.

I've also got a new church job. I'm the 1st Counsellor in the Stake Primary, especially in charge of cub scouts. Just last month I was thinking about becoming an ex scouter...rofl rofl rofl. Then I got called to this job, which plunges me in much deeper and with plenty of other duties with the girls too.I thought I was busy with being Relief Society President...hah.

I'm also getting things done to go to Ireland at the end of April. I so can't wait! I went down and applied for a passport and everything. I will soon be the proud owner of a brand spanking new passport! I'll travel to somewhere I've been longing to go for decades (you know...beyond birth...rofl). I'm going to study some Gaelic phrases so I can actually thank them in their own language. And ask for the bathroom and order some bangers and mash.

Anywho, I have to go do some more of those things or they'll revolt and pull me down and kick me and stomp on me.

Back if I survive.